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Why the hell is it downloading so slow?!


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OK. Here is the data: 54 Mbps connection

Port is forwarded ok on the connection TCP IP, i set an exception on the firewall.

The downloading speed of a single file when I try to download it: 15-20 kB/s

Max download speed - 0 (no limit)

Max number of connections - 60

Max number of peers per connection - 10

Max number of active processes - 6

What's wrong??


54Mbps being a standard wireless speed, it makes me think that it isn't your internet speed but only your wireless speed (which is totally irrelevant unless you're running torrents inside your LAN or your internet speed is actually higher than your wireless speed - both are rare)

In any case, what "direction" is that speed in? Is it your upload or your download speed? (or is it your wireless speed, if so, what is your internet speed?)

What is "Max number of active processes"? AFAIK there is no such setting..


Oh shit, Harold I'm afraid you're right. This 54Mbps is wireless speed.

So I made an IPS test, and the download speed is 50 Kbs/s. Which, I suppose, is still extremely slow, although I'm a total ignorant and still haven't been able to decipher the practical difference between bits and bytes.

This is all downloading speed, uploading is even worse, I think. Certainly not better.

As for "Max number of active processes", it was an attempt at translating Polish - processes - activities, uploads+downloads?

Obviously, all this does not solve my problem and I still don't know how to do it, but at lrast I know the problem is not with the utorrent...


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