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ive been using utorrent for sometime now but the the only thing im having trouble with is getting games, it says that the files are to big and some might be missing when finished so i have never gone thru with it. any ideas how i can change it or is this normal and when they finish it works correctly? thanks

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if i convert to ntfs, will i lose everything which is on there allready, ive read that link you sent but it only states that i will not be able to change back?will it damage it and will it stil be usable on my and other computers, sorry for all the questions just unsure what will happen. thanks

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i really dont know what the difference is i dont have a clue with computers i just know how to do the basics and this is why im asking all these questions.

i said in a previous post that all my downloads go to a external hard drive and that i have looked on the properties of it but i am unable to find what im looking for, the only thing i found was on windows support page and that was telling me to do the main harddrive not ma external one

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