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Cannot maintain connection to peers


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I have everything configured right, a upload capped at 35KBps, and a popular torrent.

But, what seems to happen is that it connects to a few peers, and then it slowly decreases. When I first connect to a peer, it starts off at 1KBps, then it goes down to .9KBps, .8KBps, and so on. Then about 15 seconds later, I'm no longer recieving any information from that peer.

I also have patched XP to allow 50 connects. Also, I'm behind a Linksys BEFSR41 v2, maybe my router is having problems with BitTorrent.


I can't even get any data to get transferred at all, most of my torrents typically stay at 0 KB/s :D Happens with all clients and even on torrents like Open Office, and there's others on various ISPs that don't throttle, so I think that may be the problem....


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