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uPnP stopped working


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Hi guys! I hope You can help me with something.

Recently I discovered that uTorrent doesn't open a port any more via uPnP.

Instead it gives me this error:

[2009-01-15 20:19:18]  UPnP: Discovered host:
[2009-01-15 20:19:18] UPnP: Discovered new device: "Residential Gateway"
[2009-01-15 20:19:18] UPnP: ERROR mapping TCP port 52215 -> Deleting mapping and trying again: (10053) Unknown result code (UPnP protocol violation?)
[2009-01-15 20:19:18] UPnP: ERROR removing TCP port 52215: (10053) Unknown result code (UPnP protocol violation?)
[2009-01-15 20:19:18] UPnP: ERROR mapping TCP port 52215 -> (10053) Unknown result code (UPnP protocol violation?)

Any thoughts what could cause this?

I also use Soulseek and everything works perfectly there.

Thanks in advance!


router works fine, haven't changed any settings there.

strange thing is that, with Soulseek, upnp port forwarding works flawlessly.

i'm sure i messed up my network setting somewhere, just can't figure out where. :(

i tried to reinstall uTorrent and wlan drivers - no results.


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