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Am I expecting TOO much...


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Hi All

I have got the settings all working and followed all the tutorials etc. and in general it works fine. I am on a 1500kbs speed plan and the speed checking sites report back that that this is correct.

My total download speed never gets too much above 120kbs, and is limited to about 20 or 30 kbs per torrent. and these are well seeded torrents (1000 odd). Other possibly relevant info - I'm in Australia, and my ISP does not throtle torrents, I have a green tick and the open port test comes up green as well.

My question is have I got something else that is wrong, or it this going to be as good as it gets?

Thanks in advance


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1500 kilobits/second DOWNLOAD internet connection probably can only reach ~160 KiloBYTES/second download speeds for direct HTTP/FTP downloads.

BitTorrent has more overheads (like 20-100+ connections at once!) that may well reduce that even down to 100 KiloBYTES/second download speeds.

Your upload speed is likely even lower.

uTorrent is set based on upload max...2nd link in my signature.

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