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Erratic network connection indicator


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The little indicator at bottom center of the uTorrent application is erratic. Lately, it has been showing me the yellow warning triangle and that I have "No incoming connections ...." And the Speed Guide - Test Port website also says it's bad.

However, I've been connecting nicely - frequently at 200Kbps+ down and almost 100Kbps up, which is close to the limit for my DSL provider. Occasionally, the yellow triangle turns into a green check mark for no reason. I've checked and re-checked my connections, firewall exceptions, modem "permitted ports", and all is OK - the particular port is cleared for takeoff and landing every which way (including the Hudson River). I think there's a flaw in the indicator and the web site.

Your comments? Thanks.

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Could be an overloaded connection due to potentially bad settings. What does the Speed Guide show your current settings to be? What do you have net.max_halfopen set to? Can you check the first link in my signature regarding interrupted connections to see if anything there helps? (And if not, can you provide the information requested in the thread as well?)

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If you're on "quiet" torrents with very few peers/seeds AND you're connected to all of them already, they will not attempt to connect to you again. (...unless they're BitComet!)

Since you may not be getting any new incoming connections under those conditions, uTorrent mistakenly thinks it's firewalled.

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