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Utorrent ports keep opening and closing.


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I been having an annoying problem lately. I start utorrent for a while to download ubuntu. The health status bar would appear to be OK and the utorrent port tester would says my utorrent port is open. But after downloading and seeding for a while the port would suddenly close itself and the download speed would drop about 60 to 90 percent. Sometimes the port would reopen after like 10 minutes. Sometimes it doesn't reopen at all so the only way to fix the problem is to reboot my router. I checked my lan ip to see if it was changing and if the opened port was redirected to another computer but it seems to be normal. Any ideas of why this is happening?

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Network software or hardware overload.

Either your settings are too extreme for your connection or you've got really crappy hardware (be it the hardware itself or the drivers for it)...or a crappy software firewall like Zone Alarm causing you grief.

1st and 2nd links in my signature...we need more information!

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Yeah, I suspect my dlink router is causing the problem. sometimes the router would somehow "forget" my settings and revert to the factory defaults (wan/dns settings etc.)

My utorrent and router settings are left default and I'm on an adsl2+ connection. The only firewall on my computer is the one that came with vista, which has been disabled.

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