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Error message, never before seen...


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I'm getting this error message...

"Error: The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user mapped section open." while downloading... I can restart the download and it resumes just fine, but within 5 minutes I get the same error message... Any idea what this means? I am stumped :(

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Relative thread: http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=41702

Can you post HijackThis & Process Explorer logs. Guide: http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=29748

a) get HijackThis from trendsecure.com, run it, view the log, and post the contents here

B) get Process Explorer from sysinternals.com, run it, Ctrl+D (to show the lower DLL pane), select the µTorrent process from the list, Ctrl+S (and save the list somewhere you'll find easily -- like the Desktop), then post the contents of the saved process list in the .txt file here

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