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Won't stop seeding at set ratio


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I just stopped a torrent that was still seeding at a ratio of 1.758 - despite having set uT Mac to stop seeding at 1.50. 1.50 is clearly checked on my pulldown at the bottom right. Also, I get a totally blank column for Ratio in the overview, so the 1.758 value is from the General tab. 2.4GB down, 4.3GB up. 0.904. Mac Pro 2.8 octo, 10.5.6.

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  • 1 year later...

Indeed reported as #6 on the list of issues...

6. Seeding ratio isn't respected

Sometimes seeding continues even after reaching seeding ratio. Known problem, we're looking into it.

Well though it's not a major problem, I wonder if developers just said "forgeddaboudit" to it since it's been there for over 1 year now (original post date: 2008-12-24 08:25:16).

Would be nice not to have to do manual supervision each time... Also may be far more helpful if the option to stop seeding was customizable not only by ration, but by a ratio that could take into account a torrent's size. In other words users may want to seed a 2.5GB iso image for CentOS 10 times, but they may want to keep seeding for 100 times a 250MB short video downloaded from legaltorrents.com

Makes sense?

Best and thanks for the great program to all devs involved!


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  • 4 months later...

Bah... we've almost been waiting 2 years to have implemented in the Mac version a simple frigging "prompt for download folder" for each torrent file, that really makes no difference to me anymore whether this gets implemented or not... I am ditching uTorrent for now, got fed up with its mac shortcomings so I may come back to check it out when much needed features are finally implemented. For now I am switching to a client that has them out of the box and most importantly where the time that users spend providing feedback is actually valued.


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