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㨰昮汩来慵摲〴㠺ㄱ䘰ㄲ㉆㍂㌵㑁㘷ㅅ - this is part of setting.dat

Someone will be able to read? :)

Read the text more convenient and faster than downloading a file, and then more of it and pull out the settings.

Large text setting is more convenient to use the tag "spoiler" (drop-down list), of course, if it exists at the forum.

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㨰昮汩来慵摲〴㠺ㄱ䘰ㄲ㉆㍂㌵㑁㘷ㅅ - this is part of setting.dat

And dumping the contents of settings.dat into a text file makes a difference... how? BEncode Editor can parse settings.dat just fine anyhow.

If we have the original settings.dat, we can (as DWK mentioned) load it into µTorrent to look at the configuration. You tell us that a binary file is hard to handle. We'll tell you that a GUI is easier to use than reading a text file. Need an example case where having the actual copy of settings.dat on hand was helpful? Look no further than this thread. No dumped text file would have made the non-obvious problem any clearer than µTorrent's Logger with the badly-configured settings.dat loaded.

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