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Limited speed, NO idea why...everything seems fine???


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First post here so hello to everyone, i havnt had the need to sign up before because everything else has generally been covered somewhere!

Basically my problem is downloading speed. It seems to be limited to 50kb/s and i have no idea why.

If i have one torrent active then it will download at around 50kb/s, if i have two torrents one will download around 30-40kb/s and they other at 10-20kb/s, all the time the total speed sticking around 50kb/s.

I am on an 8mb/s line with BT total broadband, as you would expect real download rates are a little slower at about 6mb/s. I have run the ISP check to see if BT are limiting me and it appears on every test that BT is not. I ran the 7min test from the link in this thread:


I dont have any NAT problems, my port is correctly forwarded. I have tried using UPnP and i have tried manually forwarding ports and disabling UPnP. I have tried disabling both DHT settings in uTorrent with no use. I am using windows xp sp2, and have downloaded the TCP limit patch for the tcp.sys file. I have that set to 50. I have tried changing the peer.lazy setting in advanced options and have also tried changing net.max_halfopen setting to 50 from 8 with no speed improvement.

I have tried the torrents recommended by another thread even though i know the torrent i am downloading should be fine with over 8500 seeds and about 6000 peers.

I am using a BT home hub version 1, and connecting vie ethernet.

This problem occurred about the same time i got the home hub, but i also switched to a different computer, so it could be either. I did follow the instructions on portforwading.com website to set up utorrent on the home hub, even though i figured it out, this was just to check.

I am using Bullguard internet security which has a built in firewall, utorrent has full permission in this firewall, i have tried disabling the firewall, but this did not affect the speed. Windows firewall is off.

I am totally baffled by this, and have been at this for hours!

I hope i provided enough information, i think ive tried everything i can find, and would really appreciate any help or ideas anyone has even though its sunday!

Many thanks.

EDIT: Upgraded to SP3, no speed increase, but now firefox grounds to an absolute halt when i open uTorrent, i can only load a webpage now when uTorrent is closed, things seem to be getting worse!!

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"I am using windows xp sp2, and have downloaded the TCP limit patch for the tcp.sys file. I have that set to 50. I have tried changing the peer.lazy setting in advanced options and have also tried changing net.max_halfopen setting to 50"


"Upgraded to SP3, no speed increase, but now firefox grounds to an absolute halt when i open uTorrent"

Installing SP3 removed the hack of tcp.sys file. So Window's max half open connections was reset to 10 while uTorrent was still foolishly trying to make up to 50 at once. No wonder problems got worse!

uTorrent net.max_halfopen should not be set to more than 80% of window's max half open limit. Intermittent problems will occur because it's not just uTorrent using half open connections!

1st and 2nd links in my signature...for troubleshooting and speed settings.

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