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Port Forwarding using public router


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Sorry if this topic has been discussed or it is basic as I am new to Utorrent. I have been working at a local coffee house that has free wifi for the last few months. I have used Utorrent successfully for the first month and a half until last week. All of a sudden I can't seem port forward successfully.

I do not know anything about their router or system at all. I have read many things about port forwarding, but they all assume I can get the model of the router and into the router admin pages.

What do I do to get it working again as I did absolutely nothing to get in the first 1.5 months?

Thanks in advance,


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Why would it have worked for the last month and a half and now in the last week it doesn't. What could be the cause of it not working now (it is the same exact place)? I have been to other public wireless places in between (never tried Utorrent at those places) and could those wireless places have affected my computer or the place I am at did something to block port forwarding?

If it never worked, then I would be OK with your answer, but to stop working is strange.


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*shrug* Maybe they had UPnP/NAT-PMP enabled before, and recently decided to disable it. It's not something we're able to answer definitively, simply because we don't own that router or network. If you really want to know, you're probably going to have to ask the person providing the WiFi.

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