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Different ports for Half Open Connections


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I shape my Utorrent bandwidth which works with 0 half open connections. But if I increase half open connections to 50, Utorrent starts using ports that were not assigned which makes shaping impossible. Does anyone have a solution for this?


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A thing I did awhile back in testing of methods to better resist ComCast's throttling method/s was put my outgoing ports immediately after my listening port -- that way there was a tiny block of ports used.

Do note that the first outgoing port will be the one used the most for outgoing. ONLY when the outgoing connection would otherwise go to the same target ip + port will uTorrent use higher port numbers.

"Regular" uTorrent behavior without set outgoing port and outgoing port ranges cycle through the ephemeral ports (roughly port 1000-5000) just like web browsing does.

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