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Clear Peer List & Reset Bans - Help Please!


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Hi all,

I am having a problem with uTorrent at the moment, where the torrent downloads for a few minutes at full speed then drops to a few kB/s but when I clear the peer list and reset the bans on the torrent it goes back up to full speed.

Also I have port forwarding working correctly.

I don't know what could be causing this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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If you don't have the use of ipfilter.dat in uTorrent, don't use it, it's not an obligation.

ipfilter.dat is saved in folder %appdata%\utorrent. Open it with notepad and check if your IP is not included in a blocked IP range.

Or simplier, delete ipfilter.dat. :)

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For whatever reason, I've seen uTorrent making repeated attempts to connect to my LAN ip and internet ip. Were it to finally auto-ban them, fine...but it seems to never do so -- as it continues retrying them for days.

That's why I added my LAN ip range AND internet ip to ipfilter.dat

If ipfilter.dat does not exist, create it!

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