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My uTorrent wont seed


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I have two torrents i'm trying to seed and upload they are both my torrents i created them it always shows 0(4) seeds or some other number in parentheses and 0(1) peers i opened the ports it even says the ports are open i get the normal speed test for verizon dsl 2.7k download speed 700 upload right now it says my network is working like it should with the green check sometimes there is a yellow alert triangle saying no incoming connections but i can never seed my torrents any help?...............anytime =( would be fine

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having the same issue since updating to 1.8.2.

uTorrent connects straight away when starting download. I get Max speed while d/ling and once the d/l is finished it will seed for just a few minutes and then die off to nothing. I'm not using a private tracker and the tracker I'm using is active. I do seem to loose my connection (yellow signal) but when I use the port checker it says open. Some of these torrents have huge amounts of leeches and still nothing. In version 1.8.1 I would seed several torrents for long periods of time to keep my ratio up but now it's dwendling away. Please help if possible.



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