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utorrent 1.8.2 not connecting at all


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I have been using utorrent for awhile without any problems, however since the install of 1.8.2 I have had nothing but problems. It will not forward ports at all.

Bear in mind that I live in a houseshare and when I first moved in and intially fired up my laptop utorrent connected fine without any problems, I didn't even need to go onto the the bthomehub/router to forward ports manually.

In contrast to that when I am round at my mums house I still cannot get utorrent to connect, and I did forward ports manually on her router. I have gone into both utorrent and the router and changed the port settings from 80 to 20011 and still nothing.

What confuses me even more is that I tried using bitcomet which worked fine at home again without me having to forward to ports.

Can anyone help me I am very confused as to what could be the cause of this....I bet it's really simple as well.

Thanks in advance


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