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upload&utorrent 1.8.2?


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.. I'm new with utorrent, it seems everything works ok, but I have some upload issues - works very slow .. 4-5 torrents at the time are finished downloading, but there's no upload activity or some small 0.1-0.2 kb/s ups .. I keep all options intact after install (unlimited), port is forwarded properly .. could it be just leechers issues? ..


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1st and 2nd links in my signature...for troubleshooting and uTorrent speed settings.

Your ISP may be very hostile to BitTorrent traffic, throttling and disrupting it.

So try 'extreme' hiding tricks to get better speeds:


(Note: My post immediately following that one explains what settings in uTorrent are similar to the Azureus ones.)

Disabling Resolve IPs probably won't hurt either...

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