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please help get network on status


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ok im very new to this and wanted help ...i been reading for many hours last night and i cant get the network to show on status what is showing up is downloading...so i figured it was going to take awhile and nothing ....is this running fine...or do i need to change more settings around please help ...thiis is whats showing up now...............................name /3dbum..size /63.8mb......................................................................................done/ 00.2%status /downloading.../seeds0/0..peers;1/7....down speed0.0kb/s..eta changes/upload 0 bytes... ratio/0.000 .....avil/ 0.001 ive been here for hours reading and this is getting stressfull...can someone help me set up....and why cant i find a easy to use guide..for new newbies...

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