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Make computer shutdown once Seeded to a ratio of 1.000


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Like most of you i am sick of always leaving my computer on at night because i have to seed back a specific torrent to a ratio of 1.000. I don't know about you but i don't see a need of building a ratio extremely high, so i only leave torrents until they have seeded to a ratio of 1.000 and then i remove them from utorrent list. However during the night i cant control when they stop seeding and since my computer is in my room and i use an antec 1200 case (google a pic and you'll see why i'm complaining) i would prefer it if there was an option to automatically shut-down my computer after a specific torrent has seeded to the ratio of 1.000. Is this possible to be coded in or is there already a way of doing it?




"Shutdown when everything completes".

Set your ratio in Queueing to 100% and time to 0. You may also need to enable "limit the upload rate to" and input 0.


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