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Descending Download Speed !!


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Hi Guys. I'm facing a very irritating problem with my speed these days and need your help and advice. I have a 512kbps plan which gives me up to 55-60 kbps while downloading files through uTorrent. And it was all working fine but since a weeks time I'm getting an average speed of only 15-20 kbps. It does touch 50-55 kbps once in a while (coz I keep a check on the graph) but then it drops down tremendously and lingers in the range of 20's. Like I said I've been using the same service provider and the same plan and I get speeds up to 70 kbps when downloading files normally using a browser. It's just when I start downloading files using uTorrent that I seem to face this problem. And yes I tried it with files having 700 seeds at a time so it isn't related to the number of seeds too. It's just beyond my understanding, could anyone out there please help me solve this problem?

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System: uTorrent 1.8.2 -> Wine 1.1.16 -> Ubuntu 8.10 -> Asus AS2500 AMD laptop

I had the same problem too. I was getting 100-400kB/s but periodically it would drop down to 10kB/s. I also thought that my ports were being block by my ISP. Although the green icon is on and whenever is at 10kB/s, I checked my ports with "shields up"


and it says that my ports are either in stealth mode or closed. So I kept on changing and forwarding my ports for about twice a day.

Searched everywhere and checked everything for the problem until I came across this thread:


then I disable ipv6 at the OS level:


So far I have monitored it for three days and utorrent is running at top speeds consistently apart from one time but that was due to an I/O problem.

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