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Ratio diminishing as total downloaded memory increases?


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Hey all, I have a question. It's easier to express it as an example-

If I start out by downloading 10 gb and uploading 20, I've got a pretty decent u/d ratio... but as I keep downloading, let's say I'm at 400 and 450 uploaded, my ratio is lower even though the difference is higher.

I'm just saying, it gets harder to maintain a good ratio as the volume goes up without some sacrifices. On the other hand, the punishment is pretty bad too for a bad ratio, is it possible to turn this into a more positive situation?

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Sorry man, but I don't think you understood me. I'm saying that back when I first downloaded the utorrent program, it was much easier to keep a decent historical upload to download ratio.

Now it says I've uploaded, let's say 320 gb, and downloaded 300 gb in total. My reasoning is that as I keep going, even if I keep that difference of 20 gb, when I get up to 820/800, 1020/1000, the ratio will keep approaching 1. I mean if I downloaded 1000 gb, I'd need to upload 2000 gb total to keep a u/d ratio of 2. Is that important? Or is only the current u/d important?

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