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uTorrent "Protocol Encryption" Settings with Comcast


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Hello everyone! I have Comcast High-Speed Internet. As you can see at http://www.azureuswiki.com/index.php/Bad_ISPs#United_States_of_America, the "proposed Encryption level" for Comcast is 5. It says at http://www.azureuswiki.com/index.php/Avoid_traffic_shaping#Level_5 what settings to change in Azureus in order to avoid traffic shaping, not uTorrent. What "Protocol Encryption" settings should I change in uTorrent? Should "Outgoing" be set to "Disabled," "Enabled," or "Forced?" Should "Allow incoming legacy connections" be checked or unchecked? Thank you!

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ComCast supposedly discontinued their policy of sending reset packets to seeding BitTorrent clients...which caused them to lose most/all connected peers.

So the encryption settings needed now may only need to be somewhere between levels 2-4.


(Note: My post immediately following that one explains what settings in uTorrent are similar to the Azureus ones.)

Disabling Resolve IPs probably won't hurt either...

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