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Starting partial DL


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First of all because it may be important, i use Windows 98 SE and I cant update to XP due driver issues.

Okay, i start a multifile torrent, but deselect some files (doesnt matter how many files selected)

Now the partial sownload starts properly

but after about 5min it stops showing "Error: Die Daten sind ungültig" [error:the files are invalid] (I have english µtorrent but german windows)

now i click on start again, and the DL continues but again after some minutes it stops again with a similar error.

when i start again µtorrent checks the torrent (this takes quite some time @256mb ddr-ram)

after that it continues the DL with no more problems

µtorrent is version 1.4 from autoupdate

all advanced options are default

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