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uTorrent and Trackers


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(Uhm, first off, sorry if this is somewhere I haven't seen. I have no clue what I'm looking for would be called or similar to.)

Well, like a lot of other people, I'm registered on a private tracker, but this one doesn't use a live tracker. So, in order for me to keep my ratio up or whatever, the torrent client I use would have to send a "Event=Stopped" message (according to their FAQs). And, I'm already aware that when uTorrent finishes a downloading a torrent or reaches the seeding goal for a torrent, it stops the torrent and correctly reports this message, I guess. My ratio does update whenever I make sure that happens. Sadly, I have a weird predicament where my uploads would take too long and I would occasionally need to shut down uTorrent out of nowhere, especailly when my internet lags, and this is the situation where my ratio doesn't update. So what I'm asking is, is there a possible way to force uTorrent to "stop" all torrents before shutting down, or force it to send that event message whenever the user wants to exit uTorrent? I'm currently using ver. 1.8.2 build 14458. Maybe this an added feature in 1.9? I have no idea. If it's not possible, it's no biggie; I'd probably make some AutoIt script for it. Anyway, thanks in advance.

Oh, while I'm at it, does uTorrent have hotkeys? Like Ctrl+S to stop torrents or something? I guess I should check the Help file first, though...

EDIT: Uh, I read into the manual a bit more, and I found something about 'bt.graceful_shutdown'. Is that what I'm looking for? It sounds like it. It's also turned off currently...

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µTorrent already does sent event=stopped on shutdown for all started torrents. If you have an abrupt shutdown, all bets are off. If you want µTorrent to ensure that trackers receive the stop event, then enable bt.graceful_shutdown -- be aware that that'll cause µTorrent to take longer to shut down though.

Edit: Blah. Had this tab opened for a few minutes before any replies/edits >_>

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