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How to use token system?


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Indeed (only in /gui/index.html), the WebUI backend replaces the first instance of the string ###TOKEN### with a valid token.

/gui/token.html also contains the token inside a hidden div (so it'll require a tiny bit of parsing to extract the actual token from the HTML).

- Tokens expire if unused for 30 minutes.

- Tokens are URL-safe, and do not need to be escaped (and shouldn't be escaped).

- Tokens should be included as early in the request URL as possible, in the token GET variable (so /gui/?token=[TOKEN]&list=1 or /gui/?token=[TOKEN]&action=... would be best)

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Oh dear lord. Exactly what I want. I can download torrents to my iPhone but need to be able to add them through WebUI and nothing I try allows for browsing of my files on my iPhone.

Word of advice, don't bother submitting it to Apple. Talk to Saurik and get it on Cydia. Cydia has some paid apps and I'm sure lots of people would pay a $1 to be able to control uTorrent from our iPhones :)

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With the recent Baby Shaking app somehow getting cleared, Apple is going to be even more super strict on apps. Torrents aren't illegal but Apple knows 99% of them aren't used for legal means so they're just going to reject it.

Obviously you have an iPhone, is it jailbroken? If not, look into it. MMi is a good place to start.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I was in cautious agreement with LastSonOfKrypton's assessment about whether Apple would reject such an app, but this report about the DriveTrain app for controlling Transmission seems to confirm that, setting a precedence.

Unless, of course, the decision gets overturned -- in which case it's green lights for you.

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Hmmz what a bad precedent.

BitTorrent is a innovative and cost-effective technology and it's usage (for legal purposes) is growing on a daily basis. These kind of decisions will only add to the BitTorrent FUD and as a result delay but not avert the growth of BitTorrent (or it's successors) into the widely applied digital distribution protocol that it will inevitably become.

But by then Apple will probably turn around. They have a lot of corporate users after all. But the result for them will be the loss of a few customers and increased popularity for jailbreaking their appliances. With no actual gains. So it's their loss.

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But the report clearly states the reason for the denial: "this category of applications is often used for the purpose of infringing third party rights. We have chosen to not publish this type of application to the App Store."

The other app probably got through because either they didn't realize it had a similar potential or they felt the potential wasn't significant enough to warrant a denial of the whole app.

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It just seemed like a pre-formatted response to me :/ If that's really how Apple is going to push the party line... after they basically begged consumers to ripoff music by creating such large storage devices... :(

I'd just hate to be the guy who approved shake-a-baby ><

Under: Related but not relevant

Found this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_ExogURaeI via http://www.engadget.com/2009/05/11/microsofts-latest-ad-itunes-is-crazy-expensive/

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