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Cannot update utorrent from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2 build 14458


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Sorry if this has been posted before. I have search everywhere for a possible answer.

When I check for updates I get the pop-up telling me "A new version of utorrent (1.8.2 build 14458) is available. Do you want to download and install it?"

when I press yes I get 2 error messages

1st - "There was a problem installing the language file for uTorrent."

2nd - "There was a problem downlaoding the update for uTorrent, Please try later or visit http://utorrent,com. Sorry for the inconvenience."

I have gone to the website and tried to download the update directly from there with no success either. I have been trying to update my Utorrent for several days but I keep getting the same error messages.

any suggestions? Thanks

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What happens when you try downloading it directly?

And perhaps it might be worth noting that Shaw is known to throttle BitTorrent -- whether they've turned to mangling µTorrent downloads, I don't know, but it's still something to keep at the back of your mind.

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When I try to download the update directly from uTorrent after I press run my uTorrent window opens and nothing happens.

Thanks for the info about Shaw, I was not aware of that. I have noticed a signifcant decrease in my downloading speed recently. But I have always had Shaw service and have been using BT for several years now and I have never had a problem previously (with speed or updates). Do you think this could be a problem?

Thanks again

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What do you mean by "nothing happens"? The download completes, and you are able to run the executable? Have you exited µTorrent and replaced the existing µTorrent executable?

I really doubt Shaw is blocking downloads of µTorrent, but it's just an "out there" possibility if we come up with nothing else :P

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When I downloaded the update from the website I was able to run the file. But it just opened my uTorrent window and no update happened. I did not exit out of uTorrent when I did this.

So I closed uTorrent and tried it again as per your suggestion and it worked!!

Thank you so much.

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