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Port forwarding: configured it all, yet still doesn't work!?


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I've got a ZyXEL P-2602R-D1A router.

My PC has fixed IP

I configured µTorrent to use port 43617.

I configured the router to forward that port to my PC, like this (and NAT is enabled).

However, when I verify with the TestPort URL (in my case this), it says "Port 43617 does not appear to be open." :(

I configured my firewall to allow full access to and from uTorrent.exe, but even completely disabling the firewall makes no difference.

Does anyone have any clue what to do??

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Have you tried a different port checker? I've never use Tiny Firewall myself, but if a port isn't open it's either router or firewall, and your router setup looks correct. Do you get a green check in uTorrent or does the application still indicate port problems as well?

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Thanks for the suggestions.

What do you mean with different port checker? Another app or page that checks if uTorrent is open, or something completely unrelated to uTorrent? (do you know any?)

Even if I completely disable Tiny Firewall, it still doesn't make a difference.

And where would I look for a green check? Do you mean inside uTorrent itself, or on the port check page?

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Yes, in uTorrent, along the bottom, there's a status icon. It may be a green check or a yellow triangle. If you hover your cursor over it, it should show you what your status is. If that icon is green and it says everything is fine, then uTorrent is finding your port open, even if the online port checker isn't.

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