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New User, Mac OSX 10.5.6


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Hey everyone,

I'm a new user of BitTorrent and I'm having some issues.

I've been reading and searching through the forum but can't seem to find any solutions.

When I start BitTorrent, everything seems OK, but it permanently says "Checking for Firewall" in the bottom right hand corner and the torrents don't begin to download.

It doesn't matter how long I leave it, it always says this.

Just for some background info, I'm living on campus at Uni, but there are no proxies etc set up in my network settings. The internet is not particularly fast..approx 85KB/s.

Hope someone has the answer for me!


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Not being behind a proxy doesn't mean you aren't behind the university network firewall. If you're behind someone else's connection, then unless they haven't disabled services like UPnP/NAT-PMP, there usually isn't any way for your port to be forwarded without the network administrator's consent.

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