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Not download on other account


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I use Windows XP3 Home Edition and have two accounts (they have administrators rights) on my computer. Let's call them A and B. When i add torrent file in uTorrent on account A it work fine. But when i add torrent file on account B its not start and uTorrent show Error 403.

I added port forwarding rules on my ADSL modem, i try two different ports and i try identical (one port forwarding rule) and its not work. I try on/off DHT, UPnP, NAT-PMP, change other settings in uTorrent, but still does not start download. I try to start one copy of uTorrent or two copies on all my account- it not help. I also turn off firewall and antivirus. All torrent files were downloaded from my local provider tracker.

Why is this happening? And how can i solve this problem?

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Ok, i try ask administrator, but why on A windows account all work fine and with account B not work? Btw i use one account to login into tracker and this local tracker, it must work :(

P.S. I use Kaspersky and turn off it when try download torrents.

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