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utorrent not finding files after they have been moved

Captain Kirk

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I am having some issues with utorrent finding files after I have removed them from the default download directory. After moving them into the new folder I right click on the torrent, click advanced-set download location, and then force-recheck. It will not find it and acts as if it wants me to download it again. I have been using utorrent for years and this is a new problem that has come up since a recent reinstall on Windows Home Server. I also have many files that I would like to reseed from before i reinstalled WHS but these behave the same way.

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I'm having this same problem. I'll change the directory location of the completed download (specifically: I added an internal hard drive which I run as slave, and stored my completed files there), then do the Advanced -> Set Download Location , and change it to the new directory, and it'll scan to see how much is completed and either A) show that i've downloaded MOST of the file or B) Show that i haven't downloaded it at all.

I don't get it, there are files which CLEARLY have finished downloading, which work perfectly, yet uTorrent doesn't recognize the WHOLE file when it scans for it. what could be causing this problem?



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yet uTorrent doesn't recognize the WHOLE file when it scans for it.

What do you mean? A finished torrent appears like incomplete after changing the storage location and forcing a recheck? If yes, where are located the red pieces (check Files tab)?

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Yes, that is exactly my problem. The red files appear to still be in the same folder as all of the other "blue" ones, it just doesn't recognize that I have the full file. For example, I have a file that I KNOW I HAVE completely which is 9.11 MB. When I force a recheck, it says I only have 2.33 MB of the file. What does this mean?


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