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rarest-first piece selection method


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may I suggest an option to improve the "rarest-first piece selection method" a little further?

I would like to have some way to put in TOP PRIORITY those pieces that have an availability=1

In my experience too many uploaders (usually new ones) don't check the 'first seed' option and when they have large files, large pieces (over 1MB) and not fast up bandwidth, they are tied up to uploading many many blocks more than once and not completing the first copy of the torrent.

Having availability=1 given top priority would encourage/help the (only) seeder to complete the first copy and this would improve the sharing. Even the newest peer could 'grab' one of those hard pieces and start spreading them.

Maybe it could be activated after a certain point (say 60-70%) of global offer...

For example, at this moment I (and 25 other peers) have two DVD sized torrents at 85% and 96% completion after three weeks, and not because of download speed.

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Just from actual experience: pieces with availability=1 have no priority whatsoever, it even gives the impression that they are ignored, favoring pieces with high availability.

If I sort the pieces display on increasing availability, it's definitely not the top ones that go first.

What I am suggesting (if not already done) is to schedule pieces with availability=1 first (if there is any) and then NOT download those with availability>1

This should improve transfer of large files from a slow first seeder. It is not a matter of download speed, but to compensate for the slow up-speed.

For me, to upload a DVD takes more than a week.

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Even if a rare piece is given a relatively high priority, if a very common piece has 10x as many sources...chances are the very common piece gets downloaded first. What's more, many of the peers and seeds aren't exactly instantly willing to upload to you...they may have a piece but not be very willing to actually UPLOAD it. :(

(This is kinda why pieces stay rare sometimes...)

This is aggravated further by seeds often having just as many or more connections as peers do, yet every connection a seed has is a peer that's (probably) trying to download from it. The seed is less able to concentrate its attention to getting a complete piece out to anyone in particular.

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DHT and PEX have nothing to do with anything.

What I am suggesting (if not already done) is to schedule pieces with availability=1 first (if there is any) and then NOT download those with availability>1

This should improve transfer of large files from a slow first seeder. It is not a matter of download speed, but to compensate for the slow up-speed.

I fail to see how this would improve transfers if your requests aren't even guaranteed to be honored by other peers. If the seeder's upload speed is choked, how would this compensate for slow speeds when the seeder wouldn't be able to send those rare pieces out in the first place?

Yes, speed isn't the priority here, but why should the entire swarm artificially slow down just because of availability? It's not like not downloading the piece would force the desired piece to be downloaded -- so in effect, it's not like not downloading other pieces would necessarily force availability to improve. This idea is just a twist on sequential piece downloading in its ability to slow swarms down tremendously for minimal gain.

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  • 3 weeks later...

definely grabbing the first piece of a video or collection of video is needed.. since it will have xvid header so can play them even if corrupted with kmplayer or vlc and so can even check if file is valid before downloading it all..

thats why I like rar chunks.. download the first unrar and play the first 2 minutes to check it..

must be a way to give first piece and pieces 1 to 10 higher priorities first??

another situation is some seeders leave before its complete.. if got first piece atleast can watch it if its 98 to 99 complete its good enough in most cases.

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