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Very slow download Speeds - Help?


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Hey guys

I started using UTorrent again recently and I've found that my torrents never exceed 4KB a second in download speed.

I've turned my upload speed down very low and it makes no difference.

We recently picked up a new router (A Siemens SE572) and it's only since then I've noticed the change.

I'm afraid I know next to nothing about internet settings, there are no firewalls blocking UTorrent. Would anyone know of a problem and or soution?


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We recently picked up a new router (A Siemens SE572) and it's only since then I've noticed the change.

I'm afraid I know next to nothing about internet settings, there are no firewalls blocking UTorrent.

These two statements contradict each other.

Have you followed the portforward.com guide for your router to forward uTorrent's listen port?

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No offense but emailing you would hardly cross my mind.

Replying to my signature.

I've noticed the port checker mentions the port isn't open. I'm unsure how I can still be downloading (albiet at a slow rate) if it's closed?

Opening it seems like a large problem


Follow the guide for your siemens from portforward.com

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