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Stuttering/Halting Torrents


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Torrents consistently will be blazing along at 200-300 kb/s when, 5-10 minutes after opening the program, they will grind to a sudden halt. There are still open requests according the the 'Peer' tab for the torrent but nothing comes in. At times restarting the program will reset the 5/10 minute torrent timeout yet it is inconsistent and is also a ridiculous way to download.

Is there a homebrew fix that has been discovered or a beta that is out that has this problem remedied?


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I'm experiencing the same. I've found that by manually limiting the upload and download speeds to some magic number "mine is anything under 120K" the app will continue to function.

Above this number the upload and download speeds go to zero and the connectability icon turns red.

Some have said that it's a firewall and/or ISP issue, however, I can launch VMware fusion, start W2K and run uTorrent from windows 2000 on the same MacBook Pro session and I get speeds over 300K each way. I think this conclusively rules out any firewall, port forwarding, and ISP issues.

I would be great to get a fix here, as I'd really like to use uTorrent for Mac.

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