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gobal max number of connections+number of active torrents error


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the issue:-

1. when µtorrent is running for a while it somehow makes every single qued seed active[this is while i've set the max active torrents to 4],like if i have 50 downloaded torrents all of them would start to seed

2. and µtorrent goes way pass the amount of max allowed number of connections[which is set to 250],the last time i checked µtorrent had 350+ connections.

is this a bug of the programme or is there any solution to this?

i wont give a s**t if i had a fast connection since i'm giving back what i just got but i'm on the lowest end of dsl so this is a big issue,plus nothing is getting seeded when 128kbps of max upload speed gets shared between so many active torrents

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1. when µtorrent is running for a while it somehow makes every single qued seed active[this is while i've set the max active torrents to 4],like if i have 50 downloaded torrents all of them would start to seed

How many of them are transferring faster than 1kbyte/sec?

2. and µtorrent goes way pass the amount of max allowed number of connections[which is set to 250],the last time i checked µtorrent had 350+ connections.

How are you measuring this?

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queue.dont_count_slow_dl and queue.dont_count_slow_ul in advanced are set to what?

Also, how did you set uTorrent up?

both are set to true,what do they do?

oh i think i just used the default and tweaked a bit on connection numbers etc..i set it up with 1.8.1 like ages ago and just installed the new one over it

Is outpost counting closing and half-open connections towards its connection totals?

Is outpost counting UDP traffic as connections?

i think it does count half open connections,it should.but net.max_halfopen is set to 8 and the system limit is patched to 25.

and yes it counts UDP traffic but from what i've seen the % of UDP traffic is really low,maybe 1% of all connections made by µTorrent

Edit: okay setting queue.dont_count_slow_ul to false solved the problem:D the number of connections went down like a charm[from 300 something to 100 something],thanx for the lead man:)

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