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UPnP Behind Two Routers - Is it Possible?


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I've tried two different setups, and UPnP will just not work unless I am only connected directly to only one router. But I needed to extend my network range and also needed to go wireless, that's why I have a router and another router I converted to a switch. Is it possible to have UPnP work in either setup? (And YES, I DO want UPnP. I don't find manual port forwarding easy for laptops and PSP's coming in and out, not to mention Windows Live Messenger.)

I'll try to keep this as simple as I can. Thanks in advance for any help. Also, side note, uTorrent and UPnP work great at home, where I only have ONE Router (Linksys WRT54G); I have cable internet there, not crappy DSL provided by Qwest with horrible upload speeds as I do at work.)

Setup 1:

DSL Modem (Bridge Mode)



Router (Netgear FVS318 - DHCP, UPnP Enabled,



Switch/ Wireless Access Point (Linksys WRT54G - DHCP off, Router Mode,

Connected to regular LAN (not WAN) Port, tried UPnP both On/ Off,



Laptop (Windows 7 [ HECK YEAH! ], UPnP Allowed through Firewall,



Me (To sexy for this shirt)

Setup 2:

DSL Modem (Bridge Mode)



Router (Netgear FVS318 - DHCP, UPnP Enabled,



Router (Linksys WRT54G - DHCP, Gateway Mode, UPnP both On/ Off,

No Firewall or Any type of Filter, Dynamic Routing, Connected to WAN Port,



Laptop (Windows 7,



Me (Too sexy for these pants)

Thanks again.

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