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Lynksys Broadband Modem--->Netgear Route--->WiFi NIC= 10kb/s downloads


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I've read as much as I can in these and the old BitTorrent pages.

1. Tested my ISP for throttling= negative.

2. Forwarded my port (21000) from the Broadband Modem to my Router's IP.

3. Enabled UPnP/NAT on the Router & in uTorrent's Options.

4. Windows Firewall has uTorrent in it.

5. Download speed capped @ 80 & Upload @ 25 to be on the safe side.

*I've seen my torrent speeds reach 250 on download and 120 on upload, but only for a few seconds

*I get the green check mark sometimes but after a while it goes red; back to green; yellow, etc.

*The test for port forwarding always returns ERROR The port seems closed.

What am I doing wrong here?

I'm running XP SP3 on a Pentium 2.6Ghz w/ 512 RAM & 1TB HD

AVG Antivirus Free/ Chrome

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