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problem: different torrents with same folder names


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This might not exactly be a bug, but nevertheless it would need (if possible) amending the (otherwise highly appreciated) program:

The formerly downloaded SG1-season 9 dissapeared from my computer because after a while I started to download the 9th season of another series. I tracked back that unfortunately both folders had the same name (only "Season 9" without the name of the series included :(, but I didn't think of checking back this prior to downloading at the time (nor that I would like to do that before each download...).

What is annoying, during adding the new torrent I didn't receive warning whether I want to replace the already existing folder in my Torrent folder.

Since I tend to keep files there in order to be able to seed as long as possible, (and I don't have currently the space to "duplicate" the downloaded files, this problem should be fixed some way.


PS: I couldn't register to this forum with Firefox, only with IE7...

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