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Skipping hash check while setting new download location


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There aren't many situations where you would HAVE to rehash your data after a changed path. For several revisions now there is a "fast resume" functionality built into the resume.dat data saved upon close. So if you have a torrent which was previously partially downloaded and closed the client then the client crashed the next time you'd only start from x% than 0%.

You're using right click, advanced, set download location ?? And you have to recheck the data? . . Are you using a current version of uT?

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And of course I didn't mention the option of Ultima's BFE if you're just moving bunches of data (say on the same hard drive) but attaching it differently.

If rechecking takes a long time, use a calculator and figure out how long it should take based upon your bus speed and hard drive controller limitations. If you want to check progress in uT, that's what the Statistics view on the Speed tab is for. Multiply hashing data on reads by the piecesize for the torrent checking, and you'll get throughput.

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