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Slow p2p speeds despite high total


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Hi everybody,

The problem:

I recently started having trouble with my download and upload speeds despite bittorrent having worked properly with these settings for ages. Download and upload speeds seemed capped at around 5kB per second, where my max dl/ul speeds are around 1mB/140kB per second (i used to achieve these speeds in bittorrent as well). Closer inspection shows that my maximum total speeds don't seem to be limited, but the connection to each seed or leecher seems capped at around 1 kB/sec (Download and Upload).

What I've tried:

I've tried reinstalling Bittorrent and tried switching to uTorrent, both without succes.


I'm not posting a complete overview of my settings because the same settings appeared to work well before. What's probably most important is that ports are properly forwared, I have no problem receiving incoming connections (in fact, I have almost 10 times as many incoming connections as outgoing connections) and the icon always shows green.

My question:

Given that these settings worked perfectly during the year or so before now, and without changing settings I am now experiencing these problems, what could possibly be the cause of the slow connection between me and individual peers?

Thanks in advance for taking the time to read and perhaps answer.

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After doing a few checks, this seems to be the case. For those who searched and found this topic, I fixed the problem with the following steps:

1. Go to options => preferences

2. In the connection tab, uncheck 'Enable UPnP port mapping'

3. In the Bittorrent tab, uncheck 'Enable DHT Network' and 'Enable DHT for new torrents' Set outgoing Protocol Encryption to enabled (use forced if it doesn't work) and keep the box checked (uncheck if unsuccesful).

Now my ISP is unable to see that I'm using bittorrent, and the throttling doesn't bother me anymore. Connections with users who do not use encryption are still slow, but connections with encrypting users are back at their old (high) speeds.

Ultima, thanks a lot! Your responses put me on the right track and now Bittorrent works like a charm (well, for a throttled user, that is ;))

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