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General User Interface Changes


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Hello, I'm brand new to the forum but not to the utorrent experience. Its a great program and I use it almost daily.

I didn't see a topic for what I wanted to ask so I made this one, if I missed it I'm sorry.

Its probably quite a noob thing to ask, but is there any plans on adding or allowing for a change to the GUI for utorrent. I would love to be able to change its colors to match my Vista system. I.E. Black interface with Black icons and such.

Already figured out how to modify the basic icons for the tray, tabs, etc but the GUI is still white/gray and that just dosen't look proper when paired up with Vista. I know its just a cosmetic issue and really the program is great as is but if the makers/coders are looking for ways to improve it then adding the abilty to add custom skins for the whole program is a must.

Thank You for your time.

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Thanks for your reply Ultima, I never thought about that, and I'll give that a try.


Well I tried your advice but to no avail, or at least my understanding of using Themes is limited when it comes to working with Vista. The only way to change the color scheme of Vista is to turn it into a primitive looking Windows 95 style. Then I can change the colors, but when its in Vista Premium mode the only colors I can change are the boarders of the windows themselves. Which I did but the only part of µTorrent that changes is the title bar at the very top. So I guess I answered my own question. There is no way to change the main interface colors to something like a black background with white letters. Perhaps one day. :/

Thank you for your time though.

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