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Auto Stop by Ratio not aloud if only seeder


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Searched and did not see this, I actually want this for ALL BitTorrent programs, but one at a time I suppose, and would like to start with what I use.

Title pretty much describes it. I was downloading a file, got to 95.47% and the seeder disappeared and has not been back on in days so I assume the torrent hit his ratio limit and auto stopped seeding.

I think there should be an override that if he is the only seeder it will not stop until there is another seeder or the torrent is manually removed/stopped. If manually stopped, warn the user he is the only seeder and that it will kill that torrent permanently.

This would do nothing but benefit all involved because sometimes final seeders leaving everyone high and dry is not always the seeders fault but the programs fault since stop after ratio was started. Though I am sure you would still get jerks who do it on purpose, but those that like to seed won't inadvertently kill torrents.

Just my 2 cents, hope you like my idea.

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