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Uploaded Torrent and I don't show up as a seeder


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First off, uTorrent has been awesome. First issue I ran into and it could very well be user error. And it's no really big deal as long as it stays isolated to that only file.

I do as I usually do. Create the torrent. Upload torrent. Download torrent. Open downloaded torrent. Choose file location. And start seeding.

This particular torrent is not showing me as a seed, but it does show some activity. Steps I've taken: Removed the torrent. Downloaded the torrent once again, and tried to add it to uTorrent but the same results. I never show up as a seed.

Here's a link to the log file and a screenshot of the torrent application. If this helps.

Link To uTorrent Application

Link To the error logs

Hint: Click on zoom button on top right for better view.

Thanks in advance for any help dudes!

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Wow, thanks for the quick reply.

You don't show up as seed.

Exactly. It shows as 0 seeds, but there is upload activity taking place. Yep, if I click on the file it shows it 100% complete. So far 487 mb has been uploaded.

Okay so probably just a tracker issue. My first experience with one of those. Thanks

Oh, and by the way, you provide some outstanding resources in reference to your product. The documentation, faq, and the forums are top-notch.

Thanks again!

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  • 2 years later...

i get this too what he means ( i think)

is seeds is a number & total seeds is in brackets

6(21) <<<example

what i believe his is & mine too is

0(21) shows seeds but not current-that zero is ALWAYS A ZERO ive upped 200 gig on 1 file so its not incompletion.

ive had 2 downgrade my utorrent cos 3 wouldnt allow uploads,but even that did it,all builds do for me..

hope theres a fix -cos if it was trackers then ud simply copy the trackers that work from other uploaders-use them 2 up & see what happens (done this & still dont work cos it aint trackers) cheers anyway :)

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