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change user country flags


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There are 2 questions

1. On ipfilter.dat

For example I should resolve only access with networks as I understand only them and it is necessary to bring in a file but why Ipfilter generator creates the following file

I.e. it excludes mine adress

Where to esteem about syntax of a file?

2. More a complicated question - I want instead of flags of the countries that flags of cities of my area (to each city have different networks) were displayed as it to make? To replace flags and to correlate them with IP? How in general there is a definition of a flag for the user?

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If there is no additional DNS capability beyond the TLD system you cannot change flags. If you want to change to a community TLD flags.conf/bmp http://utorrent.com/faq/misc/#faq12

Edit: I forgot to mention you can use the community package to show you layout and itemization requirements if your area/country has additional DNS for your local networks.

You don't connect to your external address, you shouldn't have any problems as you're not supposed to connect to the IP you see when you go to sites like http://whatismyipaddress.com

That is a correct formatting of the lines, you have one IP per line, then enter. http://utorrent.com/faq/misc/#faq11 is the ipfilter.dat info.

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