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downloaded files disappearing. 2 other files still there but cant seed


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i download something. upload until 1:1 ratio at least... then right click on the torrented file's 'containing folder' and the files are gone. i searched using windows but they really are gone. not even the folder is there. a 3 gb file has just disapeared. i began dling again using the same torrent [ie, restart] and it still reported the containing folder was not there.

i just checkd and NOW the files and folders are there. what is incrdibly annoying is that i have to start from scratch andf my ISP has a fair uage policy AND it is likely that these files/folder will disappear again when finished!!

TWO other files have reported missing [ie, can't be seeded] but they are in their folders.

this must be some kind of bug.

i never had any issues with azureus like this. please answer asap as i cannot be dling files of these sizes over and over and so am considering changing back to a more stable client

once again.. the contaiing folder AND ALL 12 or so files just disapeared. odd that the other two files [which were single files] are still there but cannot be seeded.

am dling the disappeared files now and wil be cut/pasting them somewhere safe before your program makes them disappear again.

any ideas why 3 of my torremts should report file no longeerr there [but as i said other 2 are still there.. jut cannot seed them and the client reports error 'files not there'].

buggy, gentlemen. very buggy. never hs this before and have usee BT a LONG time.

EDIT:since i'm uploding at 110kBs but dling at about 495kBs it seems oddd that my share ratio for this torrrent is 1.329. whichis what it wwas when i ended the first torent... it's as if the dl'd files were deleted but the memory of their download/upload were still there.

acc. to this there's 1 hour roughly to finish the dl. i'm uninstalling your client as soon as this ends unless there's some explanation. 3 large files seeming to disappeaer [well, to be exact... your program reported them gone but only one was.. the other two are unseedable.. perhaps this has somerthing to do with the piratebay situation? but it doesn't explain the disappearing folder and files of the 3rd one]

thanks but..er.. no thanks. i don't need to be downoading files over and over again using up bandwith at peak times, getting warning letters from my ISP.

please try and come up with a solution soon. please.


EDIT ; found the missing torrent files. ahem. my gf had moved them to another folder of the same -ish name [wo going into details].

but this still doesn't explain why the other two of my torrents should suddenly be stopped from seeding - with reports that their files are missing!!!

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