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Max download rate will not go over 30KB/s, no matter what I do


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Hi guys, maybe you can help me out... this is making me go crazy, but first let me list out a bit of history

I just changed ISPs today, froma 1 megabit connection to a 5 megabit connection, speedtest confirms that the connection is ~ 5 megabits and upload at 0.6 megabits

I have my DSL modem, speedtouch 516 connected to my Dlink Dir655 router, thorugh PPPoE and forwarded through port 46844 which uTorrents confirms is open.

edit: I also tried the modem bridged and then through the router, however port forwarding wouldnt work. I googled and apparently the sollution was to go PPPoE through the router. By the way, with bridged I had the same max download rate problem /edit

Protocol encrypition I tried on and off

peer.lazy_btfield is enabled

My ISP is Teksavvy, which isn't supposed to be cappin'

Trying the OOo slackware and ubuntu torrents, I still hit less than 30 KB/s. Ontop of that, I have tried a bunch of other torrents witha bout 800 seeders, those I had about 50 peers and well, the down rate was stuck below 30kb/s as well.

'puter specs, opteron 146, nforce 4 chipset, 1gb rams

I think that was all I was supposed to list!

This is sounding quite odd, but if you guys could shed some light onto this, that would be great!

Ughhhh never mind, I found it -.- http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080325.wgtinternet26/CommentStory/Technology/ , 'Bell irks ISPs with new throttling policy'

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Hey guys sorry for the late response, but yes comfirmed capped at 30 KB/s from afternoon until 2AM, the second the clock hits 2AM speeds pick up right away.

I am not too happy about it, but I do understand little can be done. Either way, its a better deal tha Roger's Lite which is what I switched from.

edit: btw, this is 8AM in the morning


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Not to brag or anything but here's my speed as of like 5 minutes ago. I have a 20/2 connection with turbo boost.

Speed test statistics


Download speed: 6372240 bps

Upload speed: 1766160 bps

Download quality of service: 90 %

Upload quality of service: 97 %

Download test type: socket

Upload test type: socket

Maximum TCP delay: 70 ms

Average download pause: 4 ms

Minimum round trip time to server: 68 ms

Average round trip time to server: 69 ms

Estimated download bandwidth: 36800000bps <<<---Not bad eh?

Route concurrency: 5.775049

Download TCP forced idle: 79 %

Maximum route speed: 7710000bps

Detailed analysis :

You can find the test at http://www.ispgeeks.com just click on the diagnostics tools tab and you will see this test called TCP Speed Test and several others including one thats good for voip or ventrillo. I would first run the TCP test, then the Capacity Test and to find out where the bottleneck is use the Route Performance, it should at least tell you if it's your isp or not. Good luck

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