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Official Thank You thread


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Thank you Ludde for making such an efficient program! It is a joy to be able to leave µTorrent running and forget about it, even while doing CPU intensive tasks. Previously I had to set Azureus to low-priority to be able to get any work done.

Thanks also to Firon for a well written and easy to navigate FAQ, (with big easy to read fonts).

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Just wanted to add my appreciation. It's inspired me as a developer myself to do better. I hope one day to become as good as ludde.

The software is amazing, The features added have more than doubled it's usefulness since 1.0, but we are still less than 160Kb!

PE and DHT along with PEX have really made my day.

Now let's just get 1.4.1 (should really be 1.5 with those new features) out the door asap, I still see too many people using the stable release so I can't take advantage of encryption and peer exchange yet.

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I have tried almost all of the popular BT clients... bitcomet... ABC... u name it...

they either take up too much RAM... or takes at least 25% CPU time...

I must say... uTorrent is the only thing that works. It has all the pros but none of the cons of other clients.


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Hi I just wanted to take the time to thank the developers for all their time spent in creating undoubtedly the best Bittorrent client to date. I sincerely appreciate the effort and I hope to see this client develope futher. The resource friendliness is astonishing. I work with the C programming language and I am made to wonder whether this client was developed in part with ASM. Thanks again, and feel free to shed some light on how such a feat was accomplished in creating such a resource friendly yet feature filled client! ;P

Edit: P.S. I would really be overjoyed to see this client ported to Linux, because I refuse to emerge Azureus on my Gentoo machine!

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Fantastic, excellent, marvellous.

I had speed problems, but once I open the port it goes perfect. Top speed, faster than anyone else. It opens and closes in less than a second, loads and starts downloading immediately and best of all, I can still use my computer and surf the net while downloading.

Bye-bye Azureus, BitComet and all those dinosaurs.


Thanks from Spain.

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I love uTorrent's minimalistic-yet-elegant interface and extremely low resource requirements. Finding this was like a breath of fresh air after using Azureus. Azureus has a great feature set, but is way too high on processor and memory usage for my tastes. uTorrent barely uses a tenth of what Azureus gobbles up, but has the same features and a cleaner interface. Plus, I don't have to mess around with slow, bloated Java installs and runtimes: just extract and go!

I *love* uTorrent! Keep up the good work!

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Thank you very much. What a BT client!

This is way better than that blue frog. Azureus was good but it was too much a burden on my PC to run compared to this little gem. Having failed to run Azureus since their last update, I decided to change client and tried uTorrent. Excellent GUI and great functionalities for such a small program. A truly beautiful progam.

Keep up the good work lads.

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My evolution of bittorrent clients:

bit tornado - can only open 1 file per instance of the program

ABC - sometimes crashes, high cpu usage, not many options

bit comet - often crashes otherwise good

azureus - never crashes, but heavy lag.

uTorrent - no installation required, smaller than all other clients, never crashes, never lags.

thanks to whoever made such a perfect program.

i will recommend it to all my friends.

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