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good isp small network problems with amount of doors left open

animal bones

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wotcha guys me again, ok where to start i have a good isp but we live in the country in spain so we do have a few issues but the main one is that when the programme is running (remember i am new to this so please excuse anything that seems obvious) because we are behind a main router at the moment the nat translation is being done by the main provider, now what happens is that the following morning there are so many doors(ports?) left open that the rest of our nework runs really slow or not at all and the main provider is starting to whine about having to do the nat translation. my question is : is there any way for the doors not to be left open or less of them, the other day there was something like 500 left open which on our small network causes problems. thanks for any help (sorry it was so long winded)

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Disable the extra features in uTorrent.

These are: UPnP, NAT-PMP, DHT (both kinds!), LPD, and Resolve IPs (right-click in PEERS window on an active torrent).

(Peer Exchange reuses existing peer/seed connections, so leave it enabled.)

In advanced settings, lower bt.connect_speed to only 1-4 (this is new outgoing connection attempts per second.)

Try also the 2nd link in my signature, and set uTorrent settings based on your usable upload bandwidth or speed. Those settings are more conservative (on global and per-torrent connections at least) than uTorrent's built-in Speed Guide. (CTRL+G)

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