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Video Converter


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I'm trying to set up an automatic video converter for my torrents. I'd like to convert all of my torrents into one format once they've completed downloaded. Hopefully, one that's compatible with Windows Media Center. Does anyone know of a video converter that will convert once the torrent has finished downloading? I think it'd have to have some sort of plugin into uTorrent so it doesn't start converting before the video is finished downloading. Anybody have any suggestions?


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iPhone I think you mean, or iTouch...

The WebUI isn't so-much a plugin as a backend to the program, whereby all the other programs which access uT via the WebUI create multiple different frontends for the uT GUI. For those who find the GUI useless in their environment... there's MiniUI, LofiUI, WebUI shell for multi-users ;) check out the sticky in the WebUI forum if you're interested.

Sorry I couldn't help you with specifics. If you need help with the actual command layout I might be able to help once you have your program to script, but first I hope you read the manual Ultima compiled, just press F1 when in the uT GUI.

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