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ISP issues / Connection closed by peer


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Yes, my isp tries to block tracker acquisition. I manage to get around it by forcing utorrent to reconnecting to the tracker, but the problem I have is that the "update in" timer increment is often an issue when I'm not around to force it.

Is there any way I can change that or how it behaves? Or is there a feature proposed for it already?

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Yes and I want to change said timer because my ISP halts the tracker acquisition.

ie. I can hook this computer to another link and no problems at all, it's only when I'm using this isp, and no I can't change it.

What I want to change is how utorrent timer behaves because of said isp being annoying.

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The torrent speeds are actually fine (no legacy + encryption + port 80 seems to do the trick). The only problem is the tracker acquisition.

The isp mostly causes Connection closed by peer (with some sniffing, I can tell, It receives one packet then drops the link) and the actively refused to connect issues.

I can get past it if I manually update the tracker a couple times.

Edit to reply to the other post:

Whenever the tracker fails to update consecutively, the timer for the next update increases. So If I'm not around to force it, sometimes I go a couple hours with the tracker showing as not connected.

In my case, as I've stated before, manually updating the tracker a couple times seems to get past the isp annoyance.

So yeah, I want to change the behavior for when utorrent -fails- to connect to the tracker, not when it's all fine and the trackers tell when to update. If that's possible somehow.

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There is no automatic to get around the tracker's minimum interval. uTorrent will not let you announce more often than minimum interval (available as a column in the Trackers tab) and between the interval. As such if the min. interval and interval are the same value, you will never be able to announce manually. You must rely on STOP/START to re-announce.

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No, I don't want to re-announce.

It's -FAILING- to announce in the first place. utorrent retry timer increases every time it fails til it's something that's over 45 minutes. That's what I want to change and you're able to manually update when it fails to skip the timer.

Sorry for caps, but it doesn't seem like anyone is actually reading what I'm typing down.

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Shame. Thanks for trying to help tho.

While this went on I figured out how the isp was blocking the torrent announces by poking the tracker a bit with forged packets and made my proxy alter the packets, now it's announcing once more.

Thanks anyway. Gotta hate ISPs.

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  • 1 year later...
Shame. Thanks for trying to help tho.

While this went on I figured out how the isp was blocking the torrent announces by poking the tracker a bit with forged packets and made my proxy alter the packets, now it's announcing once more.

Thanks anyway. Gotta hate ISPs.


I know this is an old post. But can you please help me out as am having the exam same problem as you. I have tried everythiing and would very much like to know how you fixed your issue.

Hear from you soon,


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You could try a proxy just for the tracker updates.

Or use a HTTPS tracker.

Hmm that doesn't work for me. I get connection closed by peer between 8am and 5pm.

After this time period Tracker status gets back to normal (working)

HTTPS tracker (Do you know any tracker that uses https plz? I am used to private trackers only... IPT or TL don't have https to my knowledge. A good 0Day tracker that uses https would be nice to test :)

What I did was proxy the tracker and change the outgoing agent header to netscape mozilla. My ISP was blocking trackers by checking the agent header from torrent clients.

I already tried that trick (hiding header through a local proxy). Had no effect at all :(.

Hope I get a way around this. My speed are not affected that much. Its mainly update to my stats on the private trackers that get probs. I got banned from TL once because of this (torrent reported completed, while download stats were very low...)

Thx in advance 4ur help :)

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