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100% CPU usage in


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same problem here. allready switched back to

i realized that the "quick look server" was running allways on over 100% (quad core cpu). i think uTorrent and quick look server have problems concurrently accessing the files.

searching for quicklook-server and torrent revealed that also Transmission has/had the same problems.

see: http://www.macfixit.com/article.php?story=2007111410154674

hope this helps to find the issue or fix the bug.

btw.: uTorrent is really slow compared to the newest windows versions. a friend of mine also uses uTorrent on the mac and windows and the windows version also has better dl-speeds than his mac version.

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I think it's depending on the upload and download speed.

When I have low upload and download rates it has a low usage of the processor..but when I download at speeds like 900 kb/s it seems to take 100% cpu.. I belive this happens in any torrent application.. even in windows...

I'm using

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@blackshore: Update to And I've downloaded at 2.4MB/s without uTorrent eating up 100% cpu.

@ragerino: A. No. You just quicklooked a file that had enough complete at the beginning to play it. The issue was still there.

B. That another possible explanation.

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